Unlock your Potential with the Key for a Transformed Life!

Discover how a fulfilled Life will empower you to embrace each day with a

Hi, I am Sascha!

As a MIND-BODY-MEDICINE COACH,  certified naturopath and hypnosis therapist, with vast backpack of tools and techniques, I empower clients worldwide to transform their mindset and unlock their potential.

With more than 15 years of experience with mindset and business coaching and hypnotherapy, I understand the power of the mind and its ability to change habits, behaviours, and perspectives. I work closely with you to rapidly resolve your issues and get you on the path to living a well-rested life full of vitality, energy, and clarity of mind.

As a renowned specialist, I work with C-suite executives and managers to break through their conflicting and limiting beliefs and realize their dreams of rest and rejuvenation. My medication-free approach enables you to quickly transition from destructive mindset patterns into a consistent pattern of empowered life and self-awarness. 

Contact me today to unlock your potential with the key of powerful mindset transformation.

Schedule your free discovery call to learn more about my empowering MIND-BODY-MEDICINE APPROACH and its ability to transform.

Your Life forever

Cert. Hypnotherapist, C.HYP.
Cert. Naturopath TCM

My Qualifications

MSc. Of Science in Nutrition (BU, USA)

MBA (Strathclyde University Glasgow)

Studies of Chinese Medicine (Switzerland and China)

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT & Coach

Family System & Regression Therapy

NCS Programm - Neuro Change Solution, Joe Dispenza

Integrated Medicine Therapy

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Feel Empowered with the Rapid Transformation of my

Imagine how different your life would be if you woke up each morning feeling renewed and refreshed!

My unique approach to feel empowered and self-aware combines Advanced Conversational Hypnosis (ACH), Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), and personalised coaching to solve your issues within a few sessions. My Rapid transformation Mindset Program uses the power of your unconscious mind to uncover the underlying causes of your problem. My targeted approach resolves your concerns quickly, so you can wake up rested, refreshed, and ready to unlock your potential!

Escape Chronic Unhappiness

A consistent pattern of a Not-fullfilled Life can cause severe damage to your mental and physical health. Poor sleep and negatives thoughts prevents your mind and body from entering into a phase of rest and renewal and keeps you from functioning at your best.

  • The negative effects of chronic Unhappiness include:
  • Insomnia or Sleeping Difficulties
  • Difficulty thinking and focusing
  • Short- and Long-term memory loss
  • Weight gain
  • Mood SwingsWeakened immune system

Be Happy and Empowered

Quality Life means being able to be the master of your Life and Mind. With my custom Rapid Transformation MIND-BODY-MEDICINE APPROACH, I empower you to say “goodby” to common Life concerns, including:

  • Overthinking and racing thoughts
  • Stress and being the hamster in the wheel
  • Burnout
  • Waking up feeling tired and unrested

My unique Rapid Transformation MIND BODY MEDICINE APPROACH includes techniques focus on rapid results and achieving your dreams of a fullfilled Life.

A Medication-Free Approach to Life

Over-the-counter and prescription medications are often seen as a quick-fix for Life issues. But medication only treats the symptoms, not the root cause—and they can come with serious side effects, including:

  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Depression
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Impaired motor function
  • Memory issues
  • Brain fog

My Rapid Transformation MIND-BODY-MEDICINE APPROACH is a natural remedy that enables you to empower your Life and unlock your full potential. and clear your mind.

Experience the Benefits of Quality Life

A self-assured Life is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and well-being.

My accelerated Rapid Transformation MIND-BODY-MEDICINE APPROACH enables you to:

  • Decrease stress
  • Increase energy levels
  • Stabilize mood
  • Improve concentration and focus
  • Achieve cognitive clarity
  • Enhance productivity
  • Prevent burn-out

Unlock your potential and enjoy the restorative power of Life.

Quality Life is Essential

Your overall health is greatly impacted by how well you sleep and life. Consistent lack of sleep and negative thoughts negatively affects your physical and mental health while causing strain in your personal life and business.

With my unique MIND-BODY-MEDICINE APPRAOCH, we will uncover the source of your blockage and work together to bring peace and serenity back into your life.

  • Short-term sleep therapy for busy professionals
  • Optimize Life and Self-assurance

Convenient online sessions to suit your schedule!

Sleep 5


  • When I started to see Sascha, my anxiety and panic attacks were plaguing me. Through Sascha’s help with her Hypno-Coaching Approach, I was able to let go of my anxiety. I feel great and I feel free. Sascha is amazing at what she does. I am so very greateful to her.
    Liebe Sascha💕 ich hatte soeben meine diplomarbeitspräsentation und ich weiss nicht was ich sagen soll. es lief einfach SUPER🥰🎉🎉
    bin total happy. herzlichen dank für all die Hilfe. wollte dir nur Bescheid geben, wie gut das Recording für mich gewirkt hat. Happy day und liebs grüessli 🥰


  • I was absolutly thrilled, how Sascha engaged with my daughter and brought her with hypnosis and coaching to calm down and not beeing so hyperactive and unconcentrated anymore. Sascha is phenomenal with kids. I would recommend to anyone to go to her, when you seek help for your or your kids. Through a transformational process with the conciousness and subconciousness, it makes her approach so valuable and I am very happy I came to her.


  • I seeked help for a long time with my sleeping problems. With last hope I have been recommended to Sascha who treated it with passion and deep understanding in her 30 Days Programm and since than I don’t have any sleeping problems anymore. We went to the root cause of my symptoms and with the awarness of the rules of the mind, which we went through in the coaching sessions, I was able to let it go. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Peter, CEO

  • Sascha helped me with her words of wisdom and fantastic treatments and coachings. I have learned the power of choosing – I choose to be healthier and even more happy! Thank you very much for your professionalism, dedicated and inspiring help as well as your love and care!

    Karin, Enterpreneur

  • I am doing fantastic and I feel phenomenal. Every day is going better and it is really cool. Your Hypnosis and Coaching programm absolutely empowered me, that I even do more for myself and pay attention to my self. I am now so motivated to eat healthy, buy healthy stuff and know I am enough…..Thank you!


  • Liebe Sascha, vielen Dank für diese tolle Erfahrung. Ich habe es total genossen, von dir in Hypnose versetzt zu werden und du hast mich sicher an die Hand genommen, auch bei den schwierigen Parts. Ich habe mich bei dir richtig gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Deine Aufnahme und deine Stimme ist soooo schön und entspannend ❤️ Seit unserem 30-Tage Programm sind die Schulter-/Nackenschmerzen und die Angst vor Chronifizierung Geschichte und ich weiß, dass ich damit durch bin. Es ist wirklich phänomenal! Wenn ich meine Haltung mal wieder anpassen muss, damit es nicht wieder kommt, spüre ich es jetzt immer sofort und das ganze geht nun quasi voll automatisch. Vielen lieben Dank, dass du mir so sehr geholfen hast 🤗 Ich hätte mir keine bessere Therapeutin wünschen können!

    Sandra, Sweden

  • Liebe Sascha

    Vielen herzlichen Dank für diese wunderbare Hypnose und die Coachings, du hast mich an die Hand genommen und mich mit deiner frischen, positiven und klaren Art liebevoll und geduldig begleitet auf meiner Reise, zurück in meine Kindheit, zu meinen Ängsten. Ich habe es wirklich gefühlt und konnte es körperlich spüren, wie es ganz tief ging und in meinem System gearbeitet hat. Dennoch hat es sich irgendwie leicht angefühlt und angenehm. Auch nach der Hypnose hat es noch weitergewirkt und gearbeitet, als ob die Heilinformationen tief in meine Körperzellen hineinrieseln würden. Ich freue mich nun sehr darauf, das NEUE in mir begrüssen zu dürfen und mit Hilfe und Begleitung deiner für mich individuell erstellten Tonbandaufnahme zu festigen und zu verankern. Danke für die 30 Tage Unterstützung.

    Gaby, Germany

  • I have been going to see Sascha for several years, and she has helped me immensely in so many ways. My ganglion, which I was told by a hand surgeon needed to be operated, has not only gone away but also doesn’t cause me any pain anymore! I also had a history of rather complicated pregnancies, and during my third pregnancy I went to see Sascha and it turned out to be the healthiest pregnancy I had with the least amount of complications and no need for bed rest. Sascha is a magician!


  • Everything is in you – you just have to unlock the potential in yourself. Thanks to RTT I was able to do that!

    Ich habe mit dem eigenen Körper und Geist eine wunderbare RTT Sitzung bei Sascha erlebt. Essenziell war für mich meine eigene Kraft, mein Potenzial zu spüren und dem Wissen zu begegnen ALLES ist da! Die Follow up Coachings haben den ganzen Prozess in mich zu glauben gestärkt. Die gesprochene Aufnahme, die ich mir nach den Sitzungen immer wieder angehört habe, war ein sehr hilfreiches Instrument, die Wirkung der Hypnose zu vertiefen. So dass ich heute mit dem Vertrauen zu mir selber, dass ALLES da ist und ich gesund bin, durch mein Leben schreiten kann. 


"Video Testimonials"

Caitlin from the USA

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Nish from England

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Silvia from Ireland

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Committed to change? Let’s talk.

Are you ready to tackle what stops you from execution?
Are you ready to do the work to change?
Do you want to find out how I can help you?
Yes? Great!

Let’s start with a free discovery call we can learn about each other and how I can help you.